The New 2nd Class Society
Brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood Government
So, let me get this straight.
Keep your distance from other people, wear gloves and masks, keep hand sanitiser with you at all times, and for Gods Sake don’t shake anybodies hand. For the next 2 years?
A new report from CNN is touching on the possibilites that the new Social Distancing rules could extend up to 2022. That is of course unless a Vaccine is not developed and distributed quickly.
Already, within the United States, penalties for breaking these Stay At Home orders vary, anywhere from 6 months in jail and or $1,000 for being outside without an essential reason.
Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated:
“If we can just maximize that social distancing, we can limit this virus’s ability,”
What is this Virus’s ability?
To make people sick and kill some of them, just like the Flu.
That’s it in a nutshell, really it is. Some people, with other underlying conditions will catch this Virus and it just might kill them. Just like Influenza. The latter of course we have lived with our whole lives.
The real disturbing part of this are the immunity certificates. This is not just a rumour, for it is already being implemented in Northern Italy were individuals who have recovered from the novel coronavirus, using antibody tests development in Italy and China would allow “healthy” people to receive a “Immunity Certificate” and return to work and move about freely.
The concept of the Immunity Certificates are being tossed about in the U.K., Germany, U.S., and of course Italy.
When a Vaccine is developed it will most assuredly be deemed Mandatory, or for those who choose Not to get it will be socially punished.
Perhaps they will be the ones wearing the Armbands, creating a 2nd society, the Unclean, the Diseased, the Shunned ones.
When and If that time comes, what will you choose?
Healthy or Unclean?