Dear Mr. Jake Tapper

What ever happened to Un-Biased Reporting?

Mark Aaron Babbitt
4 min readApr 13, 2020

It’s clear to me, and should be to you also, that Edward R. Murrow would be ashamed and shocked at what the Main Stream News Media has become today. There has never been a clearer case of Team Mentality as there is in Main Stream News Media.

CNN is clearly, without a doubt Trump Haters. No matter what he says, or does, they clearly hate him, and their reporting reflects it.

I myself am not a Trump Supporter, nor do I support any politican. For me, they are all Liars and Thieves. Just so you know where I stand.

However, yesterday, CNN’s Jack Tapper, Anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent for CNN commented on how President Trump replied to some reporters questions. The piece was titled:

“Mr. President, these questions need answers”

This piece clearly showed once again how much CNN hates Donald Trump and how not only CNN reporters (though mostly from CNN) will do anything they can to ridicule, embarrass, and disrespect everything and anything Donald Trump says, or does.

Shouldn’t reporting be done without snide comments?

Shouldn’t reporting be done without Personal Opinion?

I am not only pointing the finger at CNN, for FoxNews seems to “mostly” be on the side of Donald Trump.

Again, it is team mentality. CNN is a News forum to echo the platform and agenda of the Democratic Party, and FoxNews is its counterpart.

So, I have decided to take it upon myself to give the answers to those important, URGENT, questions.

The first question was about the April 6 HHS inspector general report that surveyed 323 US hospitals that lacked enough testing equipment, to say nothing of PPE, masks, ICU beds, or more, which was asked about by FOX News’ Kristin Fisher.

My Reply:

“Well Mrs. Fisher, as you know most Hospitals are privately funded companies, what they have or don’t have in the form of medicine, equipment, beds, and so on are no business of the federal Government. Or are you asking why hasn’t the Federal Government enacted a program that would regulate the amount of supplies that each and every hospital is required to have on hand at any given moment? Is that what you are asking? If not then your question is not very well thought out, it only skims the surface, you already know the answer to your question. At least I hope you do? One still needs to have a basic education in the forms of Government to become a reporter, right? I mean one needs to know the difference between a Free Market, Socialism, Communism, Theocracy and other forms of Governance right?”

The second question was about testing for Covid-19: “I know you don’t want to talk about the inspector general report, but testing is still a big issue in this country,”

My Reply:

“How do you want me to answer that question, is that a question? Yes testing is a big issue, many people want to get tested, there are only so many nurses and doctors to perform such test, they are doing the best they can.”

Then there’s this question from CBS’ Weijia Jiang:

“Yesterday Jared Kushner said the notion of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile. It’s not supposed to be state stockpiles that they then use. What did he mean by ‘our’?”

My Reply:

Hmm, that’s a good question Mrs Jiang, go ask him, I mean you are asking ME what someone else meant when THEY said that, right? I might be alot of things but a mind reader I’m not.

There were a few other questions asked however, what Jack Tapper included in his report was this:

“The President is upset that journalists are not asking questions in a positive way and are instead asking him challenging questions…”

If these questions meet the requirements for “Challenging” then I am not suprised at all with the downfall of American Journalism. These questions are Hog Wash, they are not meant to unveil some deep hidden truths, or even to gather a morsel of important information for the public. They are nothing but a not so cleverly disguised way to gather up a sound bite and use it for their own purposes.

It truly is a disgrace to one of the most important aspects of a Free Country.

The Press.



Mark Aaron Babbitt
Mark Aaron Babbitt

Written by Mark Aaron Babbitt

Seattle Native. Free Speech Advocate.

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