Conspiracy, or something else?
Nut-jobs rejoice.
I want you to read this headling:
Multiple cell towers were targeted in the UK last week in apparent arson attacks, after online conspiracy theories have been falsely linking the spread of the coronavirus pandemic to the roll out of 5G.
Believe it or not I said this would happen as soon as the virus took to Main Stream Media. I also questioned the validity of the claim itself.
Conspiracy: a belief that some covert but influential agency (typically political in motivation and oppressive in intent) is responsible for an unexplained event.
We have all heard of Conspiracy Theories, and the stereotypical Nut Jobs that adhere to them, however let's take a peak down that rabbit hole shall we, for we might find some disturbing results.
- How about we start with the Dead Baby Project, yep that’s what it was called, the DEAD BABY PROJECT. I don’t blame you if you choose not to read any further, but in case you do here it is.
In the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki there was a conspiracy going around that the U.S Government was testing the effects of radiation on Dead Babies, crazy no? I mean who in their right mind would believe something as absurd as that. Well, fact is the U.S Government was testing radiation on Body Parts, and needing young tissue, they gathered a network of mercenaries whos’ sole task, was to find recently deceased babies and children, and then take samples and even limbs without the knowledge or consent of anyone.
2. Big Brother. Funny I remember whispers of this conspiracy back in the 1980’s, the Government is listening to every thing you say and watching your every move. In fact, at that time I too thought this conspiracy was Cookoo, and only tinfoil-hat wearing nut-jobs believed in such rubbish. Well, we all know now that the Tinfoil-Hat Wearing Nut Jobs were right, and we have proof to show it.
3. Anti Gay Canada. When one thinks of Canada one thinks of nice friendly people, bacon, maple syrup, hockey, Neil Young and Rush. (If you don’t think of the last two, stop reading I don’t want to be associated with you.) The last thing that one would think about Canada is Homophobic however, that is exactly what the Canadian Government was. The conspiracy goes that in the 1960s, the government hired a university professor to develop a way to detect homosexuality in federal employees. HAHA, that’s just downright laughable, in fact that is so far fetched that no one in their right mind would believe it. Sad to say, it’s true. The professor developed a machine that measured pupil dilation in response to same-sex-erotic imagery; the Canadian government used it to exclude or fire more than 400 men from civil service, and the military.
Now of course I could go on and on and on about Conspiracy Theories, that in time, were proven to be ABSOLUTE TRUTH. I don’t want to bore you on this topic though, I just want to point out that:
Multiple cell towers were targeted in the UK last week in apparent arson attacks, after online conspiracy theories have been falsely linking the spread of the coronavirus pandemic to the roll out of 5G.
Conspiracy theories falsely linking the Coronavirus with 5G towers.
Just like Big Brother, Dead Baby Project, Canadian Gaydar, etc etc etc…..
Don’t be Too Quick to judge the outsider, the unpopular opinion, the one going against the norm, the sole voice of opposition in a crowded room.